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At Kung Fu for Christ Academy in Summerfield, Florida we have an array of products geared toward helping people lead healthy, active lifestyles. These are:
Instructional Videos
Student Uniforms
Instructional Books

8 Step Preying Mantis: Kicking Fundamentals
This book illustrates all essential kicking techniques in the Shyun System of Eight Step Preying Mantis Kung Fu! The eight High Kicks, Low Kicks, Knees and Kicking Blocks are all shown in a single manual for the first time. The Kicking Fundamentals book provides thorough descriptions on how to execute each technique along with clear and concise pictures of each technique. This book is an essential guide suitable for any martial artist!

The 10 Body Coordinations Video (DVD) or (VHS)
This series of exercises was originally developed for martial artists, however, people from all walks of life benefit from using these exercises. The 10 Body Coordinations allow you to lose weight, gain flexibility, build muscle, gain strength, develop coordination, and provide the essential techniques for self defense. You can be neither too young nor too old to begin training at home and start feeling healthier today!

Shyun Tai Chi Section 1 (DVD)
Tai Chi is a highly refined system of martial arts meditation that heals the mind, body and spirit. In ancient times, practicing this effortless art was said to cure any disease and was so powerful that it was reserved for the Chinese imperial family and their elite bodyguards.

Official Eight Step Preying Mantis Student Uniform
These uniforms are made of white durable cotton fabric with white trim. The 8 Step Preying Mantis Symbol and standard pattern appear in gold on the uniform as indicated. A nice addition to any collector's portfolio. The sleeveless design adds to the life of each uniform and is ideal for those who enjoy the rigor and regularity of a hard training schedule.